Colombo is the commercial capital city is Sri Lanka, where the full attractive locations for tourists. Colombo has a rich night life with lots of night clubs and casinos. Most of Sri Lankan's luxurious hotels are based around Colombo city. Colombo National Museum is also a tourists favorite destination where has a great collection of monuments with priceless archeological value.
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Colombo National Museum
History of Colombo
Sri Lanka gets identified with the pronunciation of this name-Colombo. Known to be the commercial capital of the country, Colombo is located on the west coast of the island in close proximity to the administrative capital of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte. Colombo enjoys the position of being Sri Lanka's ancient port city due to its strategic location on the East-West sea trade routes. It became the capital city of Sri Lanka only in the year 1815, when it gave itself up to the authority of the British Empire. However, the position of acting as the capital was retained after Sri Lanka gained independence in 1948. Colombo came to be regarded as the country's commercial hub in 1978 when the administrative office was shifted to Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte.
Colombo derived its name from a classical origin" kolon thota" which means port on the river kelani. However many is of the opinion that a Sinhalese origin is also behind the framing of the name Colombo. The Sinhalese name "Kola Amba Thota" meaning 'harbor with leafy mango trees' also goes in giving the capital city its present name.
Narrating a rich past, Colombo has been well known by traders from almost 2000 years ago. The Romans, Chinese, Arab traders preferred this port city as it enhanced their trade to a great extent. With such an exclusive position, Colombo witnessed the rule of three rulers- Portuguese, Dutch and British.
The first invaders of the port city were the Portuguese. They set their feet on the soil of Sri Lanka in 1505 and chose this country mainly for the benefit of their spice trade. On arriving, they signed a treaty with the King of Kandy to carry on the trade of cinnamon and were given full authority of the fertile coastline. It was also their look out to keep the coastlines safe from foreign aggression. The Muslim inhabitants were uprooted and the Portuguese built up their fort there. Read more at >>